The clients that we have worked with and supplied teams to include Governments, Multilateral Organisations, security companies and NGOs, as well as the most common types of working dogs we have also trained canines to fulfil other requirements such as Vapour Wake, Pipe Inspection, Accelerant and Electronics assets.

Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD)
DAG utilises the Frontex system in the training of all our EDD which are utilised as part of access control to restricted areas to check vehicles, luggage, people, and equipment. We also use a Remote Explosive Scenting Technique (REST) to be able to bring the vapour to the dog, this is particularly useful in ports and airports checking containers and planes, without having to have physical access. DAG staff have experience in undertaking canine counter IED operations in hazardous environments.

Patrol and Explosive Detection Dogs (PEDD)
In many theatres around the globe clients require canine assets to provide both explosive detection and security. In this instance we train and use PEDD. These specially selected and trained dogs can fulfil both roles, whist providing a cost-effective solution through reduction in the numbers of teams required.

Mine Detection Dogs (MDD)
Dogs have been at the forefront of the clearance of mines for many years and are predominantly used to undertake survey, area reduction and verification post clearance. Given the speed that one dog team can work at, compared to its human counterparts, these teams can reduce the time and cost of clearance activities dramatically, as well as giving reassurance of the quality of work undertaken.

Human Tracking
In the ongoing natural resources war raging across the globe, dogs are rapidly becoming one of the key tools in the anti-poaching toolbox and are used to cover large areas of ground and, find and track poachers so that they can be apprehended. These activities have been particularly successful in protecting some of the key wildlife sanctuaries across Africa.

Contraband Detection Dogs
As a tool against organised crime and poachers’ canine assets play a valuable role through the detection of contraband such as drugs, rhino horn, elephant tusks, animal, and vegetable products etc. Trained dogs working at customs and immigration points continue to be exceptionally successful in curbing the trafficking of illicit materials. In deploying our contraband dogs, we also have the ability place a remote sensing capability to speed up samples taken from containers on docks, speeding up searching and allowing a very much higher proportion of containers being searched that happens at this time.

Remote Scenting System
DAG utilises Remote Scenting System (RSS) to be able to bring the vapour to the dog. This is particularly useful in ports and airports checking containers and planes, without needing physical access. This capability speeds up searching and allows a much higher proportion of containers and cargo spaces being searched in comparison to physically searching these areas.